Fact or Fiction?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Camera: Vivitar
Film: Kodak Elitechrome 100 - EBX
Process: X-Pro
...that Hindus, in their capacity for love, are indeed hairless Christians, just as Muslims, in the way they see God in everything, are bearded Hindus, and Christians, in their devotion to God, are hat-wearing Muslims.
Life of Pi (Pg 66) - Yann Martel
I happen to think that he cannot be more right. What do you think?
posted by fuzk, 11:52 am
About me
I am a someone with a pen and more often than not, with a camera. In this blog, I will try and capture my thoughts with my words and/or photos.
I don't claim to be good at either, but I am trying. Everyone could use a little guidance and if you think you are that someone. Let me know.
Long lost friends, potential employers, potential art director partners, and er... potential admirers, give me a tinkle.
I'll get back to you... well, maybe not immediately, but I will. Promise. =) Email me at fuzk.is@gmail.com